Coded Logic
JoinedPosts by Coded Logic
flying spaghetti monster
by SloppyMcFloppy inoh no just realized i might get d'f for joing another church:/
Coded Logic
Just make sure you join the original Red Sauce church and not the evil White Sauce separatists! -
What Could Hacker Do To The JW.Org Site?
by frankiespeakin ini really don't know anything about what hackers do..
in the computer security context, a hacker is someone who seeks and exploits weaknesses in a computer system or computer network.
hackers may be motivated by a multitude of reasons, such as profit, protest, challenge or enjoyment.
Coded Logic
What is DNS attack? - Definition from
A DNS attack is an exploit in which an attacker takes advantage of vulnerabilities in the domain name system (DNS). -
by Joe Grundy in(i never was a jw).. as a retired child abuse professional, i followed (and continue to do so - it's an ongoing process) the arc proceedngs closely.
my understanding is that the purpose of the arc is to establish what current practices exist in various organisations and institutions, how those practices compare with accepted best practice, and what organisations and institutions need to do to bring their procedures and policies into line with best practice.
(and to find a way to compensate victims for what's been done wrong).. wt is case study #29 in the arc process.
Coded Logic
I thought after Jackson's testimony the WT would make some real changes. However, after reading the WT response to the ARC it seems sadly like they are still not willing to admit to any wrongdoing. I'm not sure what it is going to take for them to finally fess up. -
State lawsuit against Jehovah's Witnesses
by Coded Logic inthe first of many lawsuits?.
november 09, 2015. wilmington, delaware the attorney general's office is suing elders of the sussex county congregation for not reporting an unlawful sexual relationship between a woman and a 14-year-old boy, both of whom were congregation members.. state law requires any person, agency, organization or entity who knows or in good faith suspects that a child is being abused or neglected to call a 24-hour hotline.
Coded Logic
Excellent points Listener and TS!
And I'd also add that once a confession enters into the Judicial Committee phase all clergy-penitent privileges are out the window too.
There's a huge difference between a priest saying, "Here's what you should do to seek favor with God." vs. the Elders saying "Here's the restrictions we're IMPOSING on you to ensure the safety of the congregation."
Priests don't judge their members. And they don't hand down sentences that they then enforce. However, Elders do.
State lawsuit against Jehovah's Witnesses
by Coded Logic inthe first of many lawsuits?.
november 09, 2015. wilmington, delaware the attorney general's office is suing elders of the sussex county congregation for not reporting an unlawful sexual relationship between a woman and a 14-year-old boy, both of whom were congregation members.. state law requires any person, agency, organization or entity who knows or in good faith suspects that a child is being abused or neglected to call a 24-hour hotline.
Coded Logic
The first of many lawsuits?
November 09, 2015
WILMINGTON, Delaware — The attorney general's office is suing elders of the Sussex County congregation for not reporting an unlawful sexual relationship between a woman and a 14-year-old boy, both of whom were congregation members.
State law requires any person, agency, organization or entity who knows or in good faith suspects that a child is being abused or neglected to call a 24-hour hotline. The law specifically states that the reporting requirements apply to health care workers and organizations, school employees, social workers, psychologists and law enforcement officials.
But the law also contains exemptions for attorney-client conversations and communications "between priest and penitent in a sacramental confession."
Francis McNamara, an attorney for the Jehovah's Witnesses congregation, argued Monday that they are covered by the clergy exemption, and that the judge should end the lawsuit before it goes to trial by ruling in their favor.
"The effectiveness of this statute cannot be limited to Catholic priests," he told Superior Court Judge Mary Johnston.
McNamara said he wasn't challenging the constitutionality of the law, but that in order to maintain its constitutionality, it must be read to protect any confidential conversation between a church member and a cleric acting in a ministerial role — not just the confessional booth in a Catholic Church.
"Which religion do we pick as having the proper confession?" McNamara asked.
Johnston wrestled with why a non-Catholic who confesses confidentially to a spiritual adviser that he or she did something wrong would not be covered by the law simply because that particular religion does not define congregational leaders as "priests" or include "confession" among its sacraments.
"How can that be constitutional?" asked the judge, who described the statute as "problematic" and suggested that it was "sloppily written."
"What does "sacramental" mean for purposes of the state?" Johnston asked deputy attorney general Janice Tigani.
Tigani conceded that the law could be unconstitutional if read as favoring a certain religion, but that Delaware lawmakers could have chosen other language had they wanted. She also said she was unaware of any similar law in any other state with the same wording.
Tigani, nevertheless, argued that there was no "confession" by the boy, who was taken to congregation elders by his mother after revealing the sexual relationship.
"They weren't confessing anything, at least within the eyes of the law ... because this was a victim," she said.
The conversations between congregation elders and the woman also are not covered by the confessional exemption, Tigani added, because the woman did not voluntarily seek out spiritual guidance but was instead approached by elders after they met with the boy and his mother.
But the judge noted that the woman, Katheryn Harris Carmean White, could have confessed while being interviewed by the elders, and that both she and the boy were excommunicated, suggesting that the boy may have been subjected to church punishment for "confessing" his own wrongdoing.
Department of Justice authorities say the boy reported to his mother in January 2013 that he and Carmean White, who worked as a teacher's aide at Seaford Middle School, had engaged in a sexual relationship. According to the complaint, the boy and his mother met that same day with two congregation elders.
Carmean White was arrested in February 2013 after the boy's mother went to authorities. She was sentenced to six years in prison after being convicted of third-degree rape, fourth-degree rape and child endangerment.
WTBTS Submissions to Royal Commission on abuse: The response document in FULL
by JWchange init is not obvious if someone has already put the responses and excuses to the findings of the royal commission, by watchtower on this forum somewhere, sorry if it is already posted.
click on the link below, and scroll down to 'submissions' near bottom of page and you can download the full document.
if this link doesn't work.
Coded Logic
OMG, does the WT think this is a joke? Do they think playing a pedantic game of tit for tat is going to get them anywhere with this commission? The hammer is about to come down on them. And their failure to address the issues of the ARC are going to leave them wide open to class action lawsuits and the media pointing out that they deliberately refused to protect children from child abusers.
I am so ashamed of them. Their pride and self righteousness has clouded their judgment and left them morally bankrupt.
Obama to speak from the Oval Office tonight (8:00 eastern)
by Coded Logic inthis will be only the 3rd time he's spoken from the oval office in his seven years so it's probably going to be something pretty big.
combat troops being sent into syria?
unilateral movement on gun control?.
Coded Logic
My prediction for tonight:
Proof of Aliens
by Coded Logic inso today i just found out that aliens are real.
two people came by my house and shared the good news.
the conversation went something like this:.
Coded Logic
So today I just found out that aliens are real. Two people came by my house and shared the good news. The conversation went something like this:
Knock knock
Me: Hello?
Sally: Good morning, my name is Sally and this is my friend Jack.
Me: Hello Sally and Jack, I'm CL.
Sally: Hi CL, we're out talking to your neighbors about Aliens.
Me: (pauses for a moment) Aliens?
Sally: Yeah, you know, it seems like less and less people these days are putting faith in Aliens.
Me: Wait . . . what?
Sally: Well let me just ask you CL, what do you think of Aliens?
Me: What Aliens?
Sally: (looks at Jack it disbelief) CL, do you not believe in Aliens?
Me: No, not really.
Sally: Is it because you had a bad experience with Aliens? You know many people have had-
Me: No, it's just because a lack of evidence for them.
Sally: Pff (in disbelief) What about the pyramids? If aliens didn't build the pyramids then who did?
Me: Well, for the simplification of our discussion, let's just assume we didn't know how the pyramids were built. All we could say then is we don't know how they were built. But we wouldn't be justified in just making something up. Positive claims require positive evidence.
Sally: That's very true CL. Fortunately we have good evidence for aliens!
Me: We do?
Sally: (growing more and more excited) Yes we do!
Me: Like what?
Sally: (pulls something out of her purse) Well, fortunately, they wrote us this book.
Me: Aliens wrote a book? What the fu-
Sally: I should say they didn't exactly write it themselves. But they did inspired men to write it.
Me: Oh lord. You've got to be kid-
Sally: And in here it has knowledge that only Aliens could have known.
Me: This should be good.
Sally: For example, it talks about the earth being a circle!
Me: Okay? So . . .
Sally: Isn't that amazing?!
Me: Um, not really. Didn't Eratosthenes figure that out over 2300 years ago? Not only that, he also calculated the -
Sally: You see, we believe that the Aliens have a plan for us. And that - any day now - they're going to come down and destroy all the bad people and make the earth perfect. And everyone is going to get their very own panda.
Me: But why would anyone believe that?
Sally: Because it is written in the book.
Me: But why do you think the book was actually inspired by aliens? I mean, is there some amazing mathematical proof that they left behind that can help us unlock the secrets of the Universe? Or did they leave behind the design plans to build FTL engines for a starship? Or perhaps they gave us some kind of code that we can use to program an AI construct?
Sally: You know CL they did even better than that! Let me share something with you, here in Klingon 17 verse 4 it says, "And people will not be nice to each other and one group of people will try to kill another group of people. And in this time we will come back and set the world straight."
Me: I'm not sure I -
Sally: Doesn't that PERFECTLY describe the time we live in?
Me: Um, not really. I think you could apply that to any -
Sally: It is absolutely proof positive that the Aliens are coming back. Not only that. The Aliens have left us a means to communicate with them!
Me: Wait, are you serious? O-M-G, why didn't you start with that! What is it? A subspace relay? Or even better yet - an ansible? That would be awesome if it was an ansible!
Sally: To communicate with them all you have to do is close your eyes, put your hands together and speak your mind to them . . . and then at the end say, "through your son Ambassador Spock we pray. Amen."
Me: That's it? But how do they communicate back?
Sally: Oh, you know, lot's of different ways. Mostly through their book.
Me: Well sign me up!
Should Obama and coalition troops push ISSI'S out of Iraq??
by Witness 007 inwe are having weekly terror attacks.
you cant just keep carpet bombing as little ground has been won against issi's in one year.
they are making millions from oil and farming.
Coded Logic
I thought that's what he's been trying to do since military operations began last year.
Survey: How long were you in the cult vs what year you were baptized
by ILoveTTATT2 inhi people,.
i want as much data as possible on the effect of the internet on the time captured by the cult.. please answer the three following questions about yourself or about someone you know (for example, if your parents or grandparents were jw's and left).
1) were you raised as a jw, or did you convert?.
Coded Logic
Keep in mind that your graph fails the Principle of Total Evidence. For example, the graph shows that people baptized in the year 2000 are only in for an average of 10 years. But this is operating off an incomplete data set. The people who were baptized in the year 2000 but leave in the year 2020 are not accounted for because they don't know they're going to leave yet.
As best I can tell, a lot of what we are seeing in this graph as a "trend" is just the fact that many people who were baptized within the last two decades simply haven't left yet. As time goes on the average "time in" will only go up.
I'm not sure any meaningful information can be extracted from the information you're gathering unless you're conducting a hundred year study.